Loueur d’espaces de travail et de stockage
Better than a warehouse, POLE BOX offers tailor-made solutions to all your storage and / or work problems.
- Our premises are fully under video surveillance 24/24, and equipped with alarm.
- A guardian watches over the center
Box accessibles 7j/7
Grâce à votre badge, devenez complètement autonome et accédez à votre box quand vous le voulez 7j/7.
All inclusive
Modular and commitment contract
Additional services
- Domiciliation
- Rental offices, meeting rooms
- Receipt and shipment of goods
Beyond a storage cabinet and a self storage center, POLE BOX offers additional advice and services to simplify your life and achieve your goals.
Réception / Expédition de marchandises
Vente de cartons et emballages
Mise à disposition de matériel de déchargement
Rental of workspace (individual or shared offices, meeting room ...)
Clients POLE BOX, vous accédez à deux offres :
La forte saison arrive, et vous n'avez plus assez de place pour stocker votre marchandise ? Pas de panique, Pole Box est la pour vous trouver une pièce en plus, seine et sécurisé accessible 7j/7
Nous prenons en charge le déménagement et le rangement de vos archives dans votre box. Vous pouvez y accéder librement et gratuitement 7j/7. Votre box est individuel, et sécurisé car vous êtes le seul à en avoir la clé. Ainsi, la confidentialité de vos archives est garantie. Un conseiller Pole Box se déplace gratuitement pour réaliser une étude sans frais et sans engagement afin de vous proposer l’espace le mieux adapté à vos besoins et à votre budget.
Pole Box meets your needs for modularity, space and accessibility with a cost-effective, turnkey solution for storing your inventory and merchandise.
Our solutions of equipped and secured workspaces, adapt to your problems of development, by offering you:
A professional quality framework
A shared or dedicated space that evolves with your needs
Total care (reception, mail ...)
Real costs shared and controlled
Modular and secure spaces
Let us know your needs and constraints, we will bring you a customized solution!
Our advisors are at your disposal
In addition, your works and products are monitored and secured, 24/7.
In addition, your works and products are monitored and secured, 24/7.
An ideal solution for:
Product presentations
Job interviews
Competitions and exams
Board of Directors
Grand compte
Pole Box is part of the National Box group, giving you the opportunity to rent a box anywhere in France, with all the benefits of a large accounts customer processing.
- Classification of centers
All members are signatories of our quality charter. All our centers are classified according to the services offered. A national coordinator ensures compliance with the commitments made. A management committee ensures steering and development.
Rental of individual BOX from 1 to 500 m2, everywhere in France.
- Flexibility
It's when you want, where you want. Bigger or smaller, you decide. No commitment of duration and no lease.
- Simplicity administrative
You sign a contract, you pay your royalties at the price indicated, no supplement, no property tax, no electricity ... everything is included.